Archives for mayo 2014

‘Repeal And Repent’: Citizens Rise Against State’s Regressive Lawmakers

Nearly two hundred demonstrators with Moral Monday campaign demand end to ‘harmful’ and ‘extreme’ policies.

raise up

  After a day when hundreds rallied at the North Carolina legislative building against the 'extreme' policies pushed forth by the GOP-led body, 14 protesters were arrested early Wednesday morning after staging an overnight sit-in at the office of the state's House speaker Tom Tillis. Organized under the banner of the "Moral Monday"

Obama: ‘I Believe In American Exceptionalism With Every Fiber Of My Being’

President’s foreign policy speech at West Point leaves progressives with plenty to criticize.

In a speech rife with incongruities and contradictions, President Obama set out his vision and defense of U.S. foreign policy on Wednesday at the West Point Military Academy in New York. In the speech, Obama announced that he believes "in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being" and spoke repeatedly about "American leadership" and

Moms To EPA: End Monsanto’s Poisoning Of America

«We will get Roundup recalled, and we will have an impact on the chemical treadmill,» said Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America.

It's time for Monsanto's Roundup to stop poisoning our food. That was the message brought to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday by a group of concerned mothers who say that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the widespread herbicide made by the chemical and biotechnology giant, is putting public health in jeopardy. The

What’s In A Name? Global Warming Vs. Climate Change In The Eyes Of Americans

Could the expression “climate change” be the culprit for the lack of action taken on the issue?


In a surprising report released today by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, researchers looked at the impact of the two most common terms for human-induced climate warming—global warming and climate change—on Americans. The authors found that the term “global warming” is associated with greater public understanding, emotional

Saudi Death Toll From MERS Virus Rises To 186

The ministry said late Wednesday another 565 people had contracted the virus in Saudi Arabia.

Mideast Saudi MERS in Mecca

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia's Health Ministry says 13 people have died over the last two weeks from the Middle Eastern respiratory virus. The ministry says 186 people in total have died from the virus since it was discovered in 2012. The ministry said late Wednesday another 565 people had contracted the virus in Saudi Arabia. The

Detroit Cuts Off Water To Thousands Unable To Pay Their Bills

In Detroit, residents struggle with a dwindling population, high unemployment and rising utilities prices. And now, thousands of the city’s poorest are also without water.

Detroits Race Wall

Thousands of the some 700,000 people who call Detroit home are currently living without access to water after the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department turned off their water because they hadn’t paid their bills. As the shut-offs occur without warning from the department, residents don’t have time to fill buckets, sinks and tubs with water. This