Archives for mayo 2014

New Law ‘Facilitates Privatization’ of US Water Systems

Much of America’s drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs attention, but critics worry that a new funding bill could be a pipeline to government-subsidized privatization.

WASHINGTON --- A major piece of legislation funding the development and improvement of water-related infrastructure passed Congress last week for the first time in nearly a decade, and President Barack Obama is expected to sign the bill soon. Yet public interest groups warn that a key provision in the law would complicate public investment in

The Law Enforcement Lobby’s Heavy Hand In American Policy

“It seems like we take [law enforcement’s] opinion into pretty heavy consideration whenever we’re passing legislation,” one Minnesota lawmaker says.


MINNEAPOLIS --- The influence wielded in the U.S. political arena by the National Rifle Association, Monsanto and Koch brothers-controlled organizations is familiar to many Americans. But the average voter is likely unaware of a lesser-known lobby with a strong say in U.S. policy: law enforcement. Although police officers may lead the public to

Black And Hispanic Students Punished More Severely Than White Counterparts

The data are clear: Black and Hispanic students are punished more often and more severely than their White counterparts. Less clear, however, is why this is or how to fix it.

School Weapons

LOS ANGELES --- Amid increasing concern over racial disparities in the administration of student discipline in America's schools, many have pointed to the racial bias of school officials to account for the disparities. “[I]n our investigations we have found cases where African-American students were disciplined more harshly and more frequently

BP, Exxon Mobil Still Lining Up To Work With Russia

Despite U.S. and EU sanctions placed on Russia in response to the crisis in Ukraine, Western oil giants are inking deals with Russia’s state-owned oil corporation.

Vladimir Putin, Igor Sechin

In a move that has drawn criticism from the White House and the international community, Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP -- two of the world’s largest petroleum companies -- have separately signed agreements to strengthen their ties with Rosneft, the Russian state-owned oil company. Both agreements were made despite the American and European sanctions

Kerry Tells Snowden To ‘Man Up’ And Come Home

Kerry said, «A patriot would not run away. … He can come home but he’s a fugitive from justice.»

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday called National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden a fugitive and challenged him to "man up and come back to the United States." Kerry was asked about Snowden in a nationally broadcast interview in the wake of an interview in which Snowden said he never intended to be holed up in Russia

China Condemns US For «Unscrupulous» Global Cyber-Surveillance

Report out of Beijing catalogs how NSA has targeted government leaders, businesses, and private citizens all over the world.

A Chinese government agency has called out the National Security Agency and the U.S. government for maintaining what it calls an "unscrupulous" global surveillance regime that goes beyond anti-terror operations and traditional espionage by casting a net over entire populations in order to serve its own hegemonic interests. Following disclosures