Archives for mayo 2018

«Assassinated» Anti-Putin Journalist Wasn’t Actually Assassinated

According to reports, Arkady Babachenko, was shot three times in the back in his apartment building in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev last Tuesday after going out to buy bread.

Russia - Arkady Babachenko

A 41-year-old former Russian soldier-turned-journalist reported to have been assassinated on Tuesday, faked his own death as part of an elaborate sting operation by Ukraine to bust an actual hit planned by Russia, according to the head of the SBU, Ukraine's national security service. According to Tuesday's media "reports", the journalist, Arkady

North And South Korea Pursue Continued Dialogue Despite “Libya Model” Threats

While Trump’s cancellation of the Korean peace talks have been hailed by some analysts as a «negotiating tactic,» it conveniently serves the long-standing agenda of some administration officials who have long sought a military solution to the tensions on the Korean peninsula.

North Korea South Korea United States Leader profiles

On May 24, the White House and President Trump announced that the U.S. would be calling off the long-anticipated peace summit with North Korean and South Korean leadership in Singapore. According to a letter sent to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un from President Trump, the U.S. decided to cancel the summit, which would have taken place next month,

On the 50th Anniversary of May 1968: Memories of an Illusory Revolution in Paris

At the time it seemed that Paris had yet again become the center of a world revolution, but in time a quite different legacy has emerged.

A young demonstrator holds a red flag and kisses his girlfriend on the barricade built across the street in the vicinity of the Gare de Lyon station during riots in Paris, France on May 23, 1968, as students clashed with police. AP Photo

Nineteen Sixty-Eight began with the Têt offensive, when the Vietnamese national liberation struggle suddenly showed its strength as a military force, though it was eventually beaten back into guerrilla warfare. The images of burning villages and burning children were seared into the consciousness of millions of people around the world. In the

Philippines: We Will go to War Over South China Sea Violations

China has continued to ignore a 2016 Hague agreement and claims the South China Sea in its entirety.

A man and a child look at a picture showing the Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly islands, in the disputed South China Sea, on display at the military museum in Beijing, July 27, 2017. (AP/Andy Wong)

The government of Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte has fired off a stern warning to China regarding the natural resources in the South China Sea region. The Philippines foreign ministry vows that the country will not shy away from going to war over the disputed region. The official, on Monday, stated that there are several “red lines” or

US State Department Tells Syria What It Can and Can’t Do on Its Own Soil

Washington is issuing orders to a nation whose leadership never invited America in in the first place.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, center, confers with members of the United Nations Security Council just outside the chamber before a scheduled vote on a resolution, Feb. 24, 2018, demanding a 30-day humanitarian cease-fire across Syria. (AP/Craig Ruttle)

The US State Department has warned Syria against launching an offensive against terrorist positions in southern Syria. The statement claims that the American military will respond if Syrian forces launch an operation aimed at restoring the legitimate government’s control over the rebel-held areas, including the territory in southwestern Syria

Israeli Occupation Forces Block Flotilla as it Leaves Gaza for Cyprus

Israeli authorities are responsible for the safety of the ship’s passengers, who are “ill, students and unarmed civilians.”

Head of the Popular International Committee to Support Gaza, Dr Essam Yousef, called on the international community to pressure Israel to immediately release the passengers of a ship that set sail yesterday from Gaza heading to Cyprus in an effort to break the 12 year siege of the enclave. Israeli occupation forces flanked the ship as it reached