Archives for noviembre 2019

Las acusaciones de antisemitismo contra Ilhan Omar enmascaran una agenda fea

Muchos han afirmado que la fijación del antisemitismo no se trata en absoluto del antisemitismo, es un intento de descarrilar cualquier forma de política progresista o antiguerra.

Ilhan Omar Feature photo

Anti-Semitism is on the rise again in the United States. NBC News reported that the number of anti-Semitic incidents recorded by the Anti-Defamation League is nearing an all-time high. American Jews have reason to feel unsafe; in October last year a far-right anti-immigrant gunman carried out a mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in

Bolivia es el último golpe exitoso respaldado por Estados Unidos en América Latina

Hay una palabra perfecta en inglés para cuando los generales del ejército aparecen en la televisión exigiendo la renuncia de un jefe de estado electo mientras sus aliados detienen y torturan a funcionarios del gobierno.

Bolivia Coup Feature photo

Bolivian President Evo Morales “resigned” at gunpoint Sunday, after army generals publicly demanded his resignation, despite convincingly winning re-election just three weeks ago. The preceding 21 days were filled with fractious demonstrations and counter-protests from Morales’ supporters and opponents. On October 20, Morales had secured enough

5 datos rápidos sobre el golpe militar en Bolivia y lo que puede hacer

A pesar de lo que los principales titulares de los medios de comunicación quisieran hacerle creer, un golpe de estado está en marcha en Bolivia.

Bolivia Evo Morales

The United States is currently backing a military coup against Bolivia’s first indigenous president, Evo Morales, who recently won re-election. Bolivia has enjoyed relative calm during the length of Morales’ presidency which began in January 2006. In 2008, Morales expelled the U.S. ambassador and counter-narcotics agents. The two countries have not

Los hutíes se están preparando para un ataque israelí planeado contra Yemen

Hay fuertes indicios de que Israel planea lanzar ataques aéreos contra Yemen con el pretexto de evitar que una presencia militar iraní se apodere, como lo hizo en Siria e Irak.

Yemen Israel Feature photo

SANA'A, YEMEN -- As the war in Yemen nears the end of its fifth year, the situation in the country seems to be escalating. There are strong indications that Israel is planning to launch airstrikes against the country under the pretext of preventing an Iranian military presence from taking hold, a move that is likely to open the door for further

Lavado de veganos: cómo Israel utiliza el veganismo para pasar por alto la opresión palestina

En Israel, un país que se preocupa más por los animales que su población humana indígena, puedes ser vegano, pero no puedes apoyar los derechos de los palestinos.

Israel Vegan

Most of us are now aware that we constantly receive micro-targeted advertisements in our social media feeds based on our interests, location or habits. Those in the vegan community are no exception. However, an increasing number of promoted posts targeted at vegans on apps like Facebook or Twitter are clearly Israeli Defense Force (IDF) propaganda.

Ex embajador británico en Siria: el Reino Unido es cómplice de la captura de petróleo de Siria en Trump

Con el Parlamento del Reino Unido ya en alerta, ¿cuánto tiempo pasará antes de que el Congreso despierte a este escándalo en ciernes?

The cat is out of the bag. The UK is potentially complicit in a war crime. With typical insouciance the U.S. military dropped this bombshell by tweet and apparently without realizing the implications for U.S. partners: OIR is Operation Inherent Resolve, which is the name behind which the