Archives for mayo 2021

Abby Martin sobre el ataque israelí y la lucha por la libertad de Gaza

La periodista, activista y cineasta Abby Martin se une a Mintcast para discutir sobre Israel, Estados Unidos y la última situación en Gaza.

Abby Martin Interview

 Despite publicly urging caution, restraint and calling for a ceasefire, the United States government continues to aid Israel, this week approving $375 million worth of arms sales to the Jewish state, even as it uses U.S.-made weaponry to attack civilian buildings and other infrastructure in the Gaza Strip. Hospitals, health clinics and homes

Chris Hedges: Israel, la gran mentira

Israel no está ejerciendo "el derecho a defenderse" en los territorios palestinos ocupados. Está llevando a cabo asesinatos en masa, con la ayuda e instigación de EE. UU.

Israel Feature photo

Princeton, New Jersey (Scheerpost) — Nearly all the words and phrases used by the Democrats, Republicans and the talking heads on the media to describe the unrest inside Israel and the heaviest Israeli assault against the Palestinians since the 2014 attacks on Gaza, which lasted 51 days and killed more than 2,200 Palestinians, including 551

Formados por años de guerra de guerrillas, los hutíes de Yemen quieren exportar su revolución a Palestina

Ansar Allah, que ha disfrutado de un éxito asombroso para evitar la invasión total de su país por parte del ejército saudí respaldado por Estados Unidos, está ansioso por exportar su mentalidad de resistencia y conocimiento del campo de batalla a Palestina.

Ansar Allah Palestine Feature photo

HODEIDA, YEMEN -- Ayesh Atta arranges rings of long, light yellow Jasmine flowers into necklaces to give to the protesters and passers-by of his Mina Street flower shop in the coastal city of Hodeida. In the past, the 34-year-old Ayesh preserved the flowers in an icebox to sell in distant markets for Eid al-Fitr at a substantial profit. Now,

El activista rapero Lowkey sobre Gaza, la complicidad del Reino Unido en el apartheid israelí y el colonialismo de los colonos

Lowkey, patrocinador de la Campaña de Solidaridad con Palestina y feroz crítico del gobierno israelí, declaró recientemente: “El sionismo no se trata de tus sentimientos; se trata de la realidad material de la limpieza étnica que ha continuado … hasta el día de hoy ”.

Lowkey Interview Feature photo

Welcome to MintCast, the official MintPress News podcast featuring dissenting voices the establishment would rather silence. I’m your host, Mnar Adley. Even as the Biden administration calls for calm to be restored across Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, on Monday it approved $735 million in new arms sales to Israel. U.S. weapons continue to be

Unidad al fin: el pueblo palestino ha resucitado

Netanyahu pudo haber esperado usar al jeque Jarrah como una forma de movilizar a su electorado de derecha, pero su comportamiento precipitado en cambio ha encendido una rebelión popular entre los palestinos, exponiendo a Israel por el estado violento, racista y de apartheid que es y siempre ha sido. .

Palestinian uprising Feature photo

From the outset, some clarification regarding the language used to depict the ongoing violence in occupied Palestine, and also throughout Israel. This is not a ‘conflict’. Neither is it a ‘dispute’ nor ‘sectarian violence’ nor even a war in the traditional sense. It is not a conflict, because Israel is an occupying power and the Palestinian

Panel de podcast: El asalto israelí a Gaza con Malak Mattar, Dan Cohen y Miko Peled

Malak Mattar, Dan Cohen y Miko Peled se unen a MintCast para discutir la actual violencia israelí en la Franja de Gaza.

Gaza Podcast Panel

Welcome to MintCast, the official MintPress podcast featuring dissenting voices the establishment would rather silence. I’m your host Mnar Adley. Israel’s latest attack on Palestine has captured the world’s attention. On Saturday, the Israeli military attacked the Shati Refugee Camp in Gaza, killing 10 people, including eight children. The same