Archives for noviembre 2021

Camila Saab habla: Esposa de diplomático venezolano "secuestrada" por el gobierno de Estados Unidos habla con MintPress

Si bien Washington no puede elegir al presidente de Venezuela, puede hacerles la vida imposible a funcionarios, como Alex Saab, que intentan desafiar su régimen de sanciones.

camila saab Feature photo

On Wednesday, November 24, MintPress News Editor in Chief Mnar Adley sat down to speak with Camila Saab, the wife of imprisoned Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab. Saab was on a diplomatic mission to Iran in June 2020, where he was tasked with securing deals for food, medicine and personal protective equipment. His plane stopped off in Cabo Verde --

"Muchos errores": The Guardian y Julian Assange

Tres años después de la explosiva historia de Julian Assange / Paul Manafort, nos preguntamos si The Guardian ha cumplido su compromiso declarado con la verdad.

Julian Assange Guardian Feature photo

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND -- In 1921, the Manchester Guardian’s editor, Charles Prestwich Scott, marked the newspaper’s centenary with an essay entitled “A Hundred Years." In it, Scott declared that a newspaper’s “primary office is the gathering of news. ...Comment is free, but facts are sacred." One hundred years on from Scott’s famous essay, and on

Una grieta en mi privilegio: cuando ser blanco y judío no es suficiente

Me han preguntado suficientes veces para saber que las cosas no van bien cuando el oficial mira su pasaporte y le hace preguntas cuyas respuestas están escritas en el pasaporte.

Miko Peled Arrest Feature photo

JERUSALEM -- “I need a cell for a Jew,” the Israeli cops driving the jeep called into the jail. I was the Jew they were referring to and the jail was the infamous “Muskobia,” in the heart of West Jerusalem. This was the end of a long and tiring day that began with a protest in the village of Nabi Saleh in Palestine. I was covered in sweat, tear

Jorge Arreaza sobre la recuperación de Venezuela de las sanciones en el nuevo plan económico post-Petro

Creo que nuestra industria petrolera va a crecer y quizás será incluso más importante que antes, porque ahora sabemos cómo hacer muchas cosas por nosotros mismos que pensamos que no podíamos. Y las sanciones nos ayudaron en ese sentido. – Jorge Arreaza, Ministro de Industrias Básicas de Venezuela

Jorge Arreaza Interview Feature photo

UN Special Rapporteurs estimate that 100,000 people have died in Venezuela in the last decade because of the lack of medicine brought on by U.S. sanctions. Nearly 60% of those deaths took place under the Trump administration after Washington escalated its economic warfare on the Bolivarian state. During the Trump era, Jorge Arreaza served as

La absolución de Kyle Rittenhouse: una farsa judicial

"Si alguien tenía derecho a la autodefensa, eran los manifestantes que se enfrentaron colectivamente a un justiciero de derecha que apareció en su protesta apuntándolos con un rifle de estilo militar cargado".

Kyle Rittenhouse Feature photo

KENOSHA, WISCONSON (World Socialist Website) -- On Friday, after four days of deliberations, a Kenosha jury returned a verdict of “not guilty on all counts” against Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse had been charged with wrongfully killing two people, wounding a third, and nearly striking a fourth with an AR-15 rifle during protests against police

Kyle Rittenhouse no es el enemigo. Es el último producto de la industria de la indignación

Rittenhouse es un espejismo, un depósito fabricado para nuestra indignación, nuestra justicia propia, nuestro miedo y nuestra culpa. Es un fantasma conjurado por los medios corporativos para alimentar sus resultados y alimentar nuestros egos.

Kyle Rittenhouse Feature photo

The Kyle Rittenhouse furor is a fascinating illustration of how US politics has become mired in self-consuming tribalism. It shows how non-conversations, non-thinking now posture as serious political and social engagement. And it demonstrates once again the success of a practice beloved of elites the world over: offer bread and circuses to keep the