Archives for noviembre 2021

Cinco razones por las que la izquierda ganó en Venezuela

Si bien se habla mucho de la supuesta falta de apoyo al presidente Maduro (los millones de votos que obtuvo su partido nunca serán reconocidos por Estados Unidos), es menos conocido que la oposición es profundamente impopular.

Venezuela Elections Feature photo

For the first time in four years, every major opposition party in Venezuela participated in elections. For the fifth time in four years, the left won in a landslide. Voters elected 23 governors, 335 mayors, 253 state legislators, and 2,471 municipal councilors. The governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) won at least 19 of 23

Masar Badil: el nuevo movimiento palestino que tiene tanto a Israel como a la Autoridad Palestina al borde

Los palestinos rechazan abrumadoramente a la Autoridad Palestina, que se ha negado a celebrar elecciones y se ha puesto constantemente del lado de las fuerzas israelíes, encarcelando y torturando en lugar de proteger a su propia gente, y durante mucho tiempo han buscado una alternativa. Ahora, Masar Badil dice ser la solución.

Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Feature photo

OCCUPIED PALESTINE -- “We are building a campaign against the Palestinian Authority” and will “mobilize our people in the refugee camps” from Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, to all corners of the globe, says a newly launched Palestinian revolutionary movement that supports all forms of resistance against Israel in order to liberate Palestine “from the

Olympolitik: El escándalo falso de Peng Shuai impulsa el esfuerzo de Estados Unidos para boicotear los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing

El escándalo de Peng se produce en medio de una oleada de propaganda contra China que se ha dirigido directamente a los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno.

Peng Shuai Feature photo

BEIJING -- The New York Times reported on November 3 that Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai had published allegations of sexual assault against former Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Gaoli on the social media platform Weibo. Peng’s post was deleted within 24 hours. This led to a firestorm of speculation in U.S. corporate media

El silbato definitivo para perros: el mundo echa de menos la incitación del idioma hebreo de Israel contra los palestinos

El terrorismo patrocinado por el Estado israelí y la incitación contra los palestinos no son nuevos. La intensidad que vemos actualmente, especialmente desde el levantamiento de mayo de 2021, es un motivo de grave preocupación.

Israeli media incitment Feature photo

THE NAQAB -- Zionist incitement against Palestinians is at an all-time high but you wouldn’t know it by reading the international press because it is all done in Hebrew. The violent, racist-supremacist discourse that takes place in the Israeli media and among Israeli politicians is also done in Hebrew and so it gets little or no attention. And so,

Incursiones, arrestos y amenazas de muerte: la estrategia de Israel para silenciar a los defensores de los derechos humanos

Ahora que Israel parece haber aceptado que es poco lo que puede hacer para revertir esta marca, está acelerando sus esfuerzos coloniales, mientras se prepara para una larga lucha por delante.

On October 21, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced the issuance of a military order designating six prominent Palestinian human rights groups as ‘terrorist organizations’. Gantz claimed that they are secretly linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a socialist political group that Israel considers, along with

“No Mas!” Nicaragua Quits OAS as EU Tries to Undermine Venezuela Elections

Countries like Nicaragua and Venezuela should be applauded for rejecting the overt hypocrisy, hubris, and cruelty of the West, and for asserting their right to national sovereignty.

Venezuela Elections OAS Feature photo

CARACAS, VENEZUELA -- "We do not recognize ourselves as a colony of any power and we claim national dignity and decorum, in legitimate defense of our independence, sovereignty, and self-determination.”  With these words, Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada announced that Nicaragua would be joining Venezuela in quitting the Organization of