Archives for septiembre 2022

Los disturbios de Naplusa y el futuro de la Autoridad Palestina

El vínculo entre la violencia israelí y la de la Autoridad Palestina contra disidentes políticos y activistas es claro para la mayoría de los palestinos.

Israel Palestinians

The arrest of a prominent Palestinian activist, Musab Shtayyeh, and another Palestinian activist, by Palestinian Authority police on September 20 was not the first time that the notorious PA’s Preventive Security Service (PSS) has arrested a Palestinian who is wanted by Israel. PSS is largely linked to the routine arrests and torture of

Combustibles fósiles subsidiados a una tasa de $11 millones por minuto

Un estudio realizado nada menos que por el FMI encontró que el planeta gasta colectivamente $ 11 millones por minuto en subsidios para combustibles fósiles, todo mientras el mundo se precipita hacia una catástrofe climática inminente.

Fossil Fuels Subsidized at Rate of $11 Million Per Minute

The Most Censored News with Lee Camp hosted by comedian/ writer/ raconteur/ provocateur/ saboteur Lee Camp is a twice-weekly look at the most censored stories within corporate media hosted by the new video platform Behind the Headlines – a MintPress video project that is 100% viewer supported.  Camp both brings to light stories that are

Ex enviado especial de EE. UU. a Haití Dan Foote: Enviar fuerzas especiales a Haití o 25.000 soldados

Mientras el gobierno haitiano se tambalea al borde del colapso en medio de un levantamiento popular, el ex enviado especial de EE. UU. a Haití, Daniel Foote, insiste en que EE. UU. debe enviar fuerzas especiales para entrenar una unidad SWAT de la Policía Nacional de Haití, o invadirá con 25,000 soldados en un “ fecha inminente”.

Ex-U.S. Special Envoy to Haiti Dan Foote: Send Special Forces to Haiti or 25,000 troops

  On September 19, activists gathered outside the White House to commemorate one year since the mass deportation of Haitian asylum seekers in Del Rio, Texas. The commemoration came as a popular uprising in Haiti entered its third week, sparked by International Monetary Fund-imposed fuel price hikes amid spiraling inflation and a state of

Cómo el Partido Laborista de Gran Bretaña se convirtió en una conspiración criminal contra sus miembros

Nuevo documental de Al Jazeera revela una alianza encubierta entre la derecha laborista y activistas proisraelíes de línea dura para purgar a la izquierda como antisemitas.

How Britain’s Labour Party Became a Criminal Conspiracy Against its Members

For many years, former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters have claimed that he, and they, were targeted in a coordinated attack from the right of the party, comprising a majority of Labour MPs as well as senior party staff. The aim was to sabotage Corbyn’s chances of taking power. Those allegations were dismissed as a wild conspiracy

La única cosa que aterroriza al ejército israelí

La razón por la que Israel tiene suficiente personal militar para mantener su estado de apartheid es porque lo hacen obligatorio. Sin embargo, un número cada vez mayor de jóvenes se niegan a inscribirse como sicarios del Estado.

The One Thing The Israeli Military Is Terrified Of

The Most Censored News with Lee Camp hosted by comedian/ writer/ raconteur/ provocateur/ saboteur Lee Camp is a twice-weekly look at the most censored stories within corporate media hosted by the new video platform Behind the Headlines – a MintPress video project that is 100% viewer supported.  Camp both brings to light stories that are

No contar a los árabes: el mito del Estado judío "democrático"

Una campaña para encubrir el apartheid israelí afirma que el veinte por ciento de los ciudadanos de Israel son árabes y que disfrutan de los mismos derechos que sus homólogos judíos. Esta es una afirmación que la gente repite muy a menudo y necesita ser aclarada.

Israel wants the world to believe that it is a majority Jewish state with a 20% Arab minority and that the Arab population enjoys a good standard of living and full equal rights. And while this is easy to disprove, it is still part of the mainstream discourse on Israel. It is true that at around two million people, the Palestinian citizens of