Archives for noviembre 2022

Las ventas de aviones no tripulados israelíes son ocupaciones militares en todo el mundo

Además de vender drones armados a regímenes opresores, informes generalizados indican que Israel ha utilizado durante mucho tiempo aviones no tripulados armados para llevar a cabo ataques en Gaza, Líbano, Egipto, Siria y Sudán.

Israel Drone Sales Feature photo

For nearly two decades, Israeli military censors prevented publication of the country’s use of armed drones. In July, the gag order was lifted, allowing Israeli drone warfare to become public knowledge. “Today I can speak of this openly,” Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Brigadier-General Neri Horowitz said during the annual UVID DroneTech

The Real Reason the US Is Against the Entire World on Cuba

What is the point of the embargo on Cuba? What are we hoping to achieve? To punish a dead Fidel Castro for his sins? Maybe to punish a dead Che Guevara for his sins? Perhaps punish Cuban cigar makers for being so damned good?

The Real Reason The U.S. Is Against The Entire World on Cuba Feature photo

'The Most Censored News' hosted by comedian & writer Lee Camp is a twice-weekly look at the most censored stories on the new video platform Behind the Headlines – a MintPress video project that is 100% viewer supported. Camp brings to light stories that are ignored by the corporate media and digs deeper when the mainstream media fails to.

Kahanist Extremists To Take Power in New Israeli Government

Netanyahu owes his return to power to the students of the racist, Arab-hating thug Meir Kahane, founder of the FBI-designated terrorist organization, the Jewish Defense League.

Kahanist Extremists To Take Power in New Israeli Government Feature photo

During his previous terms in office, Benjamin Netanyahu oversaw some of the most brutal attacks on Gaza, attacks that caused thousands of civilian casualties. He was also indicted on corruption charges, and yet enough Israelis found him suitable to return to the post of Prime Minister, and he was elected with a comfortable majority. In the

Cómo la victoria de Lula puede ser una oportunidad para Palestina

Los palestinos celebran la victoria de Lula como propia, pero no existe una sola entidad que pueda, por sí sola, aprovechar el cambio político que se está produciendo actualmente en Brasil.

Lula Palestine Feature photo

Palestinians and their supporters are justified in celebrating the election victory of the leftist presidential candidate, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, in Brazil’s runoff elections on October 30. But Lula's victory is incomplete and could ultimately prove ineffectual if not followed by a concrete and centralized Palestinian strategy. Lula has

Archivos filtrados muestran que el “Ministerio de la Verdad” del DHS sigue vivo en secreto

Más preocupante aún, los archivos también muestran que esta junta nunca murió; simplemente fue renombrado y sigue vivo. Este esfuerzo se subcontratará a recortes y ONG falsas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro para "evitar la apariencia de propaganda del gobierno".

Leaked Files Show DHS “Ministry of Truth” Lives On In Secret Feature photo

On October 31, journalists Lee Fang and Ken Klippenstein released a trove of leaked documents exposing how, in recent years, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) desire – and ability – to curb speech in both online and offline realms has ramped up significantly. Along the way, a government department ostensibly founded to defend Americans

Peter Beinart encabeza cargos para cancelar al periodista estadounidense palestino Mnar Adley

El editor en jefe de MintPress, Mnar Adley, había sido contratado para organizar y moderar un evento que discutía las leyes contra el boicot, la desinversión y las sanciones (BDS) en los Estados Unidos, y cómo los palestinos están bajo una presión cada vez mayor para silenciarse, cuando ella misma, irónicamente, eliminado del panel a instancias de un actor sombrío.

Peter Beinart Leads Charge to Cancel Palestinian American Journalist Mnar Adley Feature photo 

The latest victim of cancel culture wave is MintPress News founder and editor-in-chief Mnar Adley. Adley had been booked to host and moderate an event discussing anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) laws in the United States, and how Palestinians are under increasing pressure to silence themselves, when she was herself, ironically, removed