The Cultural Looting of Gaza Feature photo

Archives for mayo 2023

Profetas de la fatalidad: Henry Kissinger y la decadencia 'intelectual' de Occidente

Kissinger ha sido elevado a la categoría de visionario por sus puntos de vista sobre la guerra en Ucrania. Pero esos puntos de vista son obsoletos y peligrosos y reflejan una mentalidad de la Guerra Fría que ya no es relevante en el siglo XXI, argumenta Ramzy Baroud.

Kissinger Russia Ukraine War Feature photo

It is unclear why 100-year-old Henry Kissinger has been elevated by the Western intelligentsia to serve the role of the visionary in how the West should behave in response to the Russia-Ukraine war. But does the centenarian politician have the answers? Every major global conflict that involved the US and its NATO allies in the past had its

¡No en nuestro centavo!': Por qué los demócratas estadounidenses finalmente están desafiando a Israel

El supuesto 'vínculo inquebrantable' de Estados Unidos con Tel Aviv se tambalea, aunque más en el lenguaje que en los hechos.

Not On Our Dime!’: Why US Democrats Are Finally Challenging Israel Feature photo

Though the United States remains a strong supporter of Israel, there are some indications that the supposed 'unbreakable bond' with Tel Aviv is faltering, though more in language than in deeds. Following the provocative ‘Flag March’ on May 18, which is carried out annually by Israeli Jewish extremists in the Occupied Palestinian city of East

La lucha por la libertad de Julian Assange, con Kevin Gosztola

Descubra la verdad detrás de la detención de Julian Assange y los crecientes ataques del gobierno de EE. UU. contra WikiLeaks en esta reveladora entrevista con Kevin Gosztola, que arroja luz sobre la invaluable información expuesta por WikiLeaks y el posible colapso de un sistema secreto.

Feature Art Kevin Gostazala

The MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know – including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light

Marcha de la bandera: la exhibición anual israelí de la supremacía judía

La exhibición anual de la Supremacía Judía en Palestina, conocida como Marcha de la Bandera, es parte de una campaña de intimidación en ciudades de todo el país que tienen una población palestina significativa.

Jerusalem Day Flag march Feature photo

The annual display of Jewish Supremacy in Palestine, known as the Flag March, is not limited to the Old City of Jerusalem. It is part of a campaign of intimidation in cities around the country that have a significant Palestinian population. This year this racist, violent display of supremacy took place in Jerusalem, Yafa ad El-Lyd.   The

Liderados por China e India: el Sur Global está tratando de arreglar la ONU

A medida que el mundo se aleja del dominio occidental, China exige reformas sustanciales al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, desafiando la estructura de poder arcaica y abogando por una representación justa, señalando un momento crucial para la diplomacia global y el futuro de la ONU.

UN General Assembly China Feature photo

In anticipation of next month's United Nations Security Council talks on reforming the inherently archaic and dysfunctional political body, China’s foreign policy chief, Yang Yi, stated his country's demands. “The reform of the Security Council should uphold fairness and justice, increase the representation and voice of developing countries,

Chris Hedges sobre las armas para Ucrania, la acumulación militar para China y el gasto del Pentágono

Únase a los anfitriones de MintCast Mnar Adley y Alan MacLeod para hablar sobre el impulso permanente de Washington hacia la guerra con el autor y reportero ganador del Premio Pulitzer Chris Hedges.

MintCast Chris Hedges Feature photo

The war in Ukraine is well into its second year, and the United States is insistent on pumping billions more into the quagmire that has already seen thousands of lives lost and millions displaced. The U.S. has already approved more than $113 billion in aid to Ukraine, most of which is weaponry. This year, President Biden has earmarked a