Archives for mayo 2023

Cerrar la industria de armas israelí, con Huda Amori

Huda Ammori, cofundadora de Palestine Action, regresa a The Watchdog para revelar cómo su movimiento de base está obligando a los fabricantes de armas a huir y desafiando la complicidad británica en los crímenes de guerra israelíes.

Watchdog Huda Amori Feature photo

The MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know – including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light

Revelando una historia oscura: la tragedia de Nakba continúa sin cesar después de 75 años

Miko Peled opina sobre la verdadera naturaleza de la Nakba, una tragedia que un Estado israelí envalentonado aún impone al pueblo palestino.

Nakba 75 years Feature photo

Even with all the protests and mentions of Nakba Day on social media, commemorating this horrific, sad event is nowhere near where it ought to be. Arguably one of the darkest and most awful chapters in the long history of Palestine, the Nakba needs to be fully commemorated in every capital in the world. The politicization of the ethnic cleansing

Guerras petroleras, armas y cómo Estados Unidos alimenta la crisis de Somalia, con Ann Garrison

Descubra la verdad oculta detrás de la presencia militar estadounidense en Somalia, su impacto en la región y los intereses estratégicos en juego en la reveladora entrevista de Mnar Adley y Alan Macleod con la periodista Ann Garrison.

MintCast Ann Garrison

Congress recently voted against pulling American troops out of Somalia. Officially, U.S. forces number 900 and are there in an advisory role to help the government of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud combat terrorist forces such as Al-Shabab. Yet our guest today states that U.S. boots on the ground in Somalia are doing nothing but serving as a recruiting

El error táctico de Netanyahu: un Israel fragmentado se enfrenta a la unidad palestina

El Dr. Ramzy Baroud revela cómo la nueva unidad de los grupos de resistencia palestinos está desafiando la propaganda de Israel y el control del poder de Netanyahu.

Netanyahu's Tactical Mistake: A Fragmented Israel Faces Palestinian Unity Feature photo

All Israeli wars on the Palestinians throughout the years have been promoted and justified by Tel Aviv in the name of ‘security’ and ‘fighting terrorism.’ Israel’s biggest challenge throughout many of these wars was hardly the Palestinian Resistance, however steadfast and resilient. The challenge has always been Tel Aviv’s ability to kill many

Africa Rising: Nkosi Mandela sobre la resistencia de Sudáfrica al apartheid israelí

El nieto de Nelson Mandela y miembro del Congreso Nacional Africano, Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandela, se une a Mnar Adley en esta entrevista exclusiva para deconstruir el ascenso de África contra el colonialismo y su lucha contra el apartheid israelí.

In 1999, South African anti-apartheid activist and revolutionary leader Nelson Mandela visited Gaza and said, "We know too well our freedom is not complete without the freedom of the Palestinians." Since his death in 2013, Mandela’s unifying message of decolonization reverberated across the globe. The anti-colonial, anti-apartheid struggle that

La “lista de exterminio” ucraniana “independiente” en realidad dirigida por Kiev, respaldada por Washington

Nueva evidencia revela que la infame "lista de asesinatos" encubierta de Ucrania es un producto del régimen de Ucrania, financiado efectivamente por la CIA, entre otros, y auspiciado por la OTAN.

“Independent” Ukrainian “Kill List” Actually Run By Kiev, Backed by Washington Feature photo

Late last year, my name was added to a blacklist published online by the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation. I joined over ninety others deemed to be “speakers who promote narratives consonant with Russian propaganda.“ These included Manuel Pineda and Clare Daly, both leftist Members of the European Parliament (MEP); Also counted