Archives for abril 2024

La ofensiva del encanto de las celebridades de Israel: la verdad detrás de los viajes glamorosos

Jessica Buxbaum explora la compleja red de conexiones entre celebridades, empresas de medios y organizaciones proisraelíes, mientras continúa la batalla por la opinión pública.

Israel Celebrity Feature photo

Since Israel launched a war on Gaza in October, it’s been accused of genocide, been on trial for war crimes, and seen allies stop approving weapons shipments. Yet amid the storm of negative press and genocidal war, some organizations are attempting to shift the narrative in Israel’s favor by taking celebrities and social media influencers on

La candidata presidencial Jill Stein habla del genocidio en Gaza, el sistema bipartidista y el militarismo estadounidense

La candidata presidencial del Partido Verde, la Dra. Jill Stein, se une a la directora de Mint Press y presentadora del podcast MintCast, Mnar Adley, para hablar sobre la posición de la Dra. Stein sobre Gaza, el sistema bipartidista, el militarismo estadounidense, el cambio climático y los objetivos de su campaña.

Jill Stein interview Feature photo

Gaza is the “key issue of our era,” Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein told the MintCast today. “Every international law in the books is being broken,” she said, “This is not something that began on October 7. This is the continuation of ethnic cleansing and displacement that began in 1947 and 1948 with the displacement of 750,000

La demanda del partido P Diddy Pedo atrapa a otro cabildero proisraelí: el ejecutivo musical Lucian Grainge

El director ejecutivo de Universal Music Group y destacado defensor pro-israelí, Lucian Grainge, ha sido etiquetado como coacusado en una demanda dirigida al magnate del hip hop P Diddy, alegando tráfico de niños. Mientras tanto, el actor de primer nivel y hombre del bombo sionista Ashton Kutcher espera ser citado a comparecer.

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Billionaire Zionist Lucian Grainge is the Chairman and CEO of Universal Music Group, the largest music company in the world. But since February, he and his company have also been named " defendants” in a lawsuit against hip-hop impresario P Diddy, whose legal name is Sean Combs. As one of the most influential figures in one of the most popular

No es sólo Candace Owens: la derecha se está volviendo contra Ben Shapiro e Israel

Ben Shapiro se ha posicionado como un héroe de la derecha, pero su postura sobre Oriente Medio y otros temas ha creado una brecha entre él y algunos miembros de su base conservadora, que cada vez más lo ven como un defensor de un solo tema: Israel.

Ben Shapiro Feature photo

Few conservative commentators have more significant influence and reach than Ben Shapiro. With more than six million followers on YouTube and Twitter, the Daily Wire co-founder has built a right-wing media empire. But now, the issue of Israel is driving a wedge between himself and many others inhabiting the same political space. An increasing

El engaño de Israel sobre el alto el fuego: reflexiones del activista israelí Miko Peled

La activista israelí de derechos humanos Miko Peled descubre la verdad detrás de la historia de violaciones y acuerdos de alto el fuego de Israel, arrojando luz sobre las injusticias actuales que enfrentan los palestinos.

Miko Peled Israel Ceasefire Feature photo

The history of ceasefire agreements signed between Israel and its neighbors begins in February of 1949 when the newly established State of Israel signed armistice agreements with Egypt, Jordan - also newly created states, Lebanon and Syria. All the agreements say more or less the same things, the main differences being the boundaries as they were

Estados Unidos e ISIS: es complicado

Alan MacLeod navega por el intrincado enredo entre Estados Unidos e ISIS-k tras el mortal ataque a Moscú, revelando conexiones y consecuencias sorprendentes.

US-ISIS relationship Feature photo

While ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for the Moscow shooting, Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that the United States might have been behind the attack. Although he provided no evidence for his claim, it is true that ISIS and the United States government have a long and complicated relationship, with Washington using the group