Archives for mayo 2019

El "Trato del siglo" de Trump podría allanar el camino para la unidad palestina

Esta última farsa no tiene que ser a expensas de los palestinos, y los grupos palestinos deben reconocer y aprovechar esta oportunidad única. El "Trato del siglo" fracasará, pero los esfuerzos para lograr la unidad palestina podrían finalmente tener éxito.

Jared Kushner Deal of the Century Feature photo

Palestinian groups, Fatah, Hamas and others should not confine themselves to simply rejecting the Trump Administration's so-called Deal of the Century. Instead, they should use their resistance to the new American-Israeli plot as an opportunity to unify their ranks. Leaked details of the Deal of the Century confirm Palestinians’ worst fears:

Andre Vltchek: es la indiferencia de los israelíes lo que está matando a la gente

Como siempre, me impresionó la infraestructura de Israel, pero no a quién sirve. Sudáfrica, durante el apartheid, construyó algunas de las mejores autopistas del mundo. Para los blancos. Otros se vieron obligados a vivir en la cuneta. Israel hace lo mismo.

In the past, whenever I went to (or more precisely, ‘through’) Israel, it was for some antagonistic purpose: to write about the brutal suppression of the intifada in Gaza or Hebron, to comment on the insanity of the land grab around Bethlehem, or to report from the eerie and de-populated Golan Heights, which Israel occupies against all

Los estadounidenses son las verdaderas víctimas de nuestro último golpe

Tenemos más en común con el pueblo venezolano que con nuestro propio gobierno. A partir de este entendimiento, podemos construir una solidaridad real y desafiar los golpes de estado contra nosotros y nuestros homólogos de todo el mundo.

There's an office that you go to to overthrow a government. CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou stands in front of a packed house in the Chavez Room at the Venezuelan Embassy. A mural of Hugo Chavez looks on from the back wall. Bookcases stand empty, a fitting sign of the bumbling idiocy of empire. The lobby has been converted into a makeshift gallery:

Lee Camp: 18 maneras en que Julian Assange cambió el mundo

Julian Assange y WikiLeaks revelaron los crímenes de guerra del ejército estadounidense, la corrupción del gobierno estadounidense y la patética servidumbre de los medios corporativos estadounidenses a la elite del poder.

Britain WikiLeaks | Julian Assange

Julian Assange is a dick. It’s important you understand that. Assange and WikiLeaks revealed the American military’s war crimes, the American government’s corruption and the American corporate media’s pathetic servile flattery to the power elite. So, if you’re a member of our ruling class, you would view those as textbook examples of

Amnistía Internacional ahoga a Julian Assange para que se seque, o posiblemente solo cuelgue

La difícil situación de Assange y sus amplias implicaciones para el periodismo y el discurso son, evidentemente, poco preocupantes para Amnistía Internacional, que escribió una carta al Comité de Defensa Julian Assange (JADC) informándoles que Amnistía no está trabajando activamente para defender a Assange.

Wikileaks | Julian Assange Arrested

NEW YORK -- Journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been hit with 17 Espionage Act charges by the United States. If convicted, Assange could be sentenced to up to 170 years in prison or even face the death penalty. A conviction would also set a dangerous precedent for journalists in the U.S. who publish classified material. National

Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections

“The fact that we are handing over the keys of American democracy to the military-industrial complex — it’s like giving the keys to the henhouse to a fox and saying, ‘here come in and take whatever you want.’ It’s obviously dangerous.” — Investigative journalist Yasha Levine

ElectionGuard | Voting Machines

Earlier this month, tech giant Microsoft announced its solution to “protect” American elections from interference, which it has named “ElectionGuard.” The election technology is already set to be adopted by half of voting machine manufacturers and some state governments for the 2020 general election. Though it has been heavily promoted by the