Archives for enero 2020

Conozca a los candidatos que asumen el gobierno de derecha de Bolivia respaldado por los Estados Unidos

El periodista boliviano Oliver Vargas analiza en profundidad los candidatos que se enfrentarán al gobierno interino de derecha de Jeanine Anez en las próximas elecciones bolivianas y los numerosos desafíos que enfrentan.

Bolivia Elections Feature photo

Bolivia’s presidential elections are scheduled to take place on May 3, 2020. The elections will be organized by the ‘transitional’ government of Jeanine Anez who seized power in a U.S.-backed military coup on November 10, 2019. The coup forced out the democratically elected leftist-indigenous government of Evo Morales, who presided over an economic

How Government and Media Are Prepping America for a Failed 2020 Election

Russia, China and Iran are already being blamed for using tech to undermine the 2020 election. Yet, the very technologies they are allegedly using were created by a web of companies with deep ties to Israeli intelligence.

Election 2020 Election security

As World War II drew to a close in Europe, British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote that “neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.” Though numerous examples in the post-World War II era have proven Russell’s point, perhaps one of the best examples was the U.S.

Gasoducto o una tubería: un conflicto se está gestando entre Israel y Turquía por el gas natural

Teniendo en cuenta los depósitos masivos de gas natural necesarios para alimentar los mercados europeos en dificultades, es casi seguro que el gas natural mediterráneo eventualmente se convertirá en una fuente importante de disputas políticas, si no una guerra total.

Massive natural gas discoveries off the eastern coast of Israel and Palestine is slated to make Tel Aviv a regional energy hub. Whether Israel will be able to translate positive indicators of the largely untapped gas reserves into actual economic and strategic wealth is yet to be seen. What is certain, however, is that the Middle East is already

El papel oculto de Nueva Zelanda en la mayor base de bombardeos de EE. UU. En Oriente Medio

Un número reciente de Air Force News reveló que un oficial superior de la NZDF cumplió una publicación de seis meses en la base de Qatar, colocando a los neozelandeses en el corazón del principal centro de ataque y bombardeo en esa región, escribe Darius Shahtahmasebi

US bombing base

Last month the coalition government declared the end of New Zealand Defence Force deployments in Iraq. The announcement was silent, however, about the future of another deployment of New Zealand personnel, to a U.S. military base in the Middle East that has attracted controversy thanks to its role at the center of a large proportion of U.S. bombing

Corea del Norte: la tía de Kim Jong-un aparece viva después de seis años de medios que dicen que la mató

Hubo, como suele ocurrir cuando se trata de la cobertura de Corea del Norte, poca autorreflexión sobre cómo y por qué los medios habían informado noticias falsas durante seis años.

Kim Kyong-hui

It’s well past Halloween, but people in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are rising from the dead (again). That is according to our media, who have for six years been claiming Kim Kyong-hui, the aunt of current ruler Kim Jong-un and daughter of the father of the nation Kim Il-sung, was dead, only for her to be spotted beside her nephew

Erudito del genocidio advierte que se han sentado las bases para el genocidio en los Estados Unidos

Brynn Tannehill, un analista de defensa y experto en genocidio, visitó Twitter para advertir que las condiciones necesarias y muchos de los eventos precursores del genocidio en los Estados Unidos "están en movimiento".

Muslim Genocide US Feature photo

Writer, scholar and activist Brynn Tannehill came out to say that the United States, particularly under the Trump administration, is already several steps down the path towards committing genocide against certain segments of the population. In a viral tweetstorm, the navy veteran and former defense analyst claimed that immigrants, Muslims, the