Archives for abril 2023

Protestas en Israel y espionaje británico a los refugiados palestinos, con Asa Winstanley

Asa Winstanley se une a Lowkey para hablar sobre las protestas en curso en Israel, el espionaje del Reino Unido a los refugiados palestinos y su nuevo libro, "Armas antisemitismo: cómo el lobby de Israel derribó a Jeremy Corbyn".

Asa Winstanley The Watchdog

Israel is currently engulfed in strife, as hundreds of thousands have come out to protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial power grab. Netanyahu is attempting to overhaul the judicial system and has dismissed defense minister Yoav Gallant, a move that ignited a storm of indignation. But as returning “Watchdog” guest Asa

Itamar Ben-Gvir: Lo peor de un grupo terrible de políticos israelíes

El matón racista Ben-Gvir no solo camina con un séquito de guardias armados, sino que ahora tiene toda una "Guardia Nacional" formada por bandas de colonos armados.

Itamar Ben-Gvir Feature photo

Jerusalem, Palestine -- There is much debate in the Israeli press regarding Itamar Ben-Gvir and his visits to al-Aqsa. Will he go, when will he go, or should he not go? Ben-Gvir is proving himself to be a shrewd politician and knows how to manipulate the press. The press, for their part, is obsessed with him. He can be placed in the same category

TikTok: el "caballo de Troya" chino está a cargo de funcionarios del Departamento de Estado

Una investigación de MintPress News descubrió que docenas de ex funcionarios del Departamento de Estado, la CIA y el FBI están trabajando en puestos clave en TikTok y afectan el contenido que ven más de mil millones de usuarios.

TikTok Feature photo

Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok. Many more individuals with backgrounds in the FBI, CIA and other departments of the national security state also hold influential posts

Búsqueda de la guerra religiosa: cómo Israel está unificando a árabes y musulmanes en Palestina

Lo que está ocurriendo actualmente en Palestina aún no es una guerra religiosa, pero algunos funcionarios y partidos políticos israelíes están interesados en convertirla en una.

Al-Aqsa Feature photo

By ordering a brutal attack against Palestinian worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque on the 14th day of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knew very well that the Palestinians would retaliate. Netanyahu's motive should be clear. He wanted to generate a distraction from the mass protests that have rocked

Por qué los medios no quieren saber la verdad sobre las explosiones de Nord Stream

Primero, los periodistas lamieron la culpabilidad rusa. Entonces, el interés se desvaneció. Ahora venden una absurda historia al estilo de James Bond. Cualquier cosa para ignorar el papel de Estados Unidos.

Nord Stream Feature photo

No one but the terminally naïve should be surprised that security services lie – and that they are all but certain to cover their tracks when they carry out operations that either violate domestic or international law or that would be near-universally rejected by their own populations. Which is reason enough why anyone following the fallout from

By Refusing To Host Israel, Indonesia Shows Us How to Defeat Apartheid

FIFA recently punished Indonesia for boycotting Israel, a country that consistently shoots soccer players in the knees so that they are unable to play in international sporting events

Indonesia Israel FIFA Feature photo

Palestinians are being killed in record numbers. Racist, hate-filled fanatic Zionists are invading the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Palestinian worshipers are being terrorized by Israeli forces. Yet it is Indonesia that is being penalized internationally merely for engaging in discussions about not allowing an Israeli soccer team to play on its soil. The