Archives for septiembre 2023

Seymour Hersh: Un año de mentiras sobre Nord Stream

La administración Biden no ha reconocido ni su responsabilidad por el atentado contra el oleoducto ni el propósito del sabotaje.

Nord Stream 2 Feature photo

Seymour Hersh / Substack — I do not know much about covert CIA operations—no outsider can—but I do understand that the essential component of all successful missions is total deniability. The American men and women who moved, under cover, in and out of Norway in the months it took to plan and carry out the destruction of three of the four Nord

Las verdaderas razones por las que se rompió la presa de Derna en Libia

Se ha confirmado la muerte de más de 11.000 personas en las devastadoras inundaciones en la ciudad libia de Derna. Sin embargo, los principales medios de comunicación quieren hacernos creer que la destrucción que ha acaparado los titulares de todo el mundo se debe al cambio climático.

Derna Dam Feature photo

More than 11,000 people have been confirmed dead in the devastating floods in the Libyan city of Derna. But corporate mainstream media outlets like the BBC, the New York Times, CNN and others would have you believe the destruction that has drawn worldwide headlines is due to climate change. But here’s how this deadly disaster has everything

Las marcas perdedoras de Tel Aviv: el 'golpe' israelí y la muerte de la falsa democracia

La tarea de promocionar a Israel como “la única democracia en Medio Oriente” ya no es fácil de vender. Con el pilar de la “democracia” desmoronándose, el pilar de la “estabilidad” también se está desmoronando. Y sin estabilidad, los inversores simplemente huyen. .

Bibi copyright Feature photo

From its very onset, Israel has constructed a brand for itself, a powerful gimmick that was predicated on two main pillars: democracy and stability. The main target audience for this brand has been powerful Western states that wielded disproportionate political, economic and military powers. These Western governments, along with their

Chris Hedges: El imperialismo humanitario creó la pesadilla libia

La intervención militar de la OTAN en Libia en 2011, que derrocó al régimen de Muammar Gaddafi, resultó en un Estado fallido caótico y asesino. Los libios pagan un precio terrible por esta catástrofe.

Hedges Libya Feature photo

Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — “We came, we saw, he died,” Hillary Clinton famously quipped when Muammar Gaddafi, after seven months of U.S. and NATO bombing, was overthrown in 2011 and killed by a mob who sodomized him with a bayonet. But Gaddafi would not be the only one to die.  Libya, once the most prosperous and one of the most stable

La licencia de Israel para matar: desentrañando la masacre de Sabra y Chatila

Miko Peled, que en ese momento servía en el ejército israelí, examina los acontecimientos que condujeron a la infame masacre de Sabra y Chatila y se pregunta por qué el mundo hizo la vista gorda ante las señales de una tragedia inminente.

Sabra and Shatila

The Sabra and Shatila massacre was no accident. Nor should it have come as a surprise to anyone. It had to have been well planned in advance and demanded a great deal of cooperation between the forces involved. The logistics had to have been worked out first. Closure of the camps, providing supplies and ammunition for the murderers, plans where

Lo que los medios no nos dicen sobre África occidental

Se ha prestado poca atención a la posibilidad de que tal vez los países africanos estén hartos del viejo aparato, el de dictadores ricos y violentos apoyados por Occidente -y supuestos "demócratas"- que desperdician la riqueza de su país para permanecer en el poder.

Africa Coups Feature photo

What if the "epidemic of coups" in West and Central Africa is not that at all but a direct outcome of outright revolutionary movements, similar to the anti-colonial movements that liberated most African nations from the yoke of Western colonialism throughout the 20th century? Whether this is the case or not, we are unlikely to find out anytime