Archives for agosto 2019

NPR se burla de sobreviviente de cáncer en la batería de propaganda de Siria

Mientras NPR resopla sobre Asma Assad "luciendo un elegante corte rubio de duendecillo", Lilly Martin señala que recientemente se quedó calva mientras luchaba por su vida.

Asma Assad NPR Feature photo

It may be a new low in propaganda. National Public Radio (NPR) used the news that Syrian First Lady Asma Assad had overcome breast cancer to mock her and continue the information war against Syria.  They interviewed a Human Rights Watch staffer named Lama Fakih who is an American from Michigan now based in Beirut. Do you believe Ms. Fakih in

From “Spook Air” to the “Lolita Express”: The Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship

Far from being the work of a single political party, intelligence agency or country, the power structure revealed by the network connected to Epstein is nothing less than a criminal enterprise that is willing to use and abuse children in the pursuit of ever more power, wealth and control.

Southern Air Clinton Feature photo

On August 10th, and for several days after, speculation swirled after it was announced that Jeffrey Epstein had been found dead in his cell. His cause of death has officially been ruled suicide by hanging.  Epstein, the billionaire pedophile and sex trafficker with a myriad of connections to the rich and powerful in the United States and several

Los colonos judíos gobiernan el gallinero en Israel, pero ¿a qué precio?

Con los colonos judíos dictando la agenda política en Israel y provocando constantemente a los palestinos en los Territorios Ocupados, es probable que la violencia crezca exponencialmente en los próximos meses.

Israel Palestine settlers

Israeli Jewish settlers are on a rampage in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. While settler violence is part of everyday routine in Palestine, the violence of recent weeks is directly linked to the general elections in Israel, scheduled to be held on September 17.  The previous elections, on April 9, failed to bring about political stability.

Con la ayuda de Trump, Israel elige el acaparamiento de tierras a corto plazo por encima de la legitimidad a largo plazo

Mientras Israel se prepara para otra ronda de elecciones, la administración Trump parece preparada para dar al Primer Ministro Benjamin Netanyahu una valiosa contribución de campaña al proporcionar luz verde para que Israel declare la soberanía en el Área C de Cisjordania.

Israel Settlements Feature photo

The case for Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist is one that is difficult to make. Israel is a state that was created for immigrant-settlers in a country that was fully inhabited and developed. Yet as long as Israeli governments pretend that they are interested in a peaceful solution with the people of Palestine -- a solution that will include

Aloha del Dr. Martin Luther King y Tulsi Gabbard

"Aloha", dice Gabbard, "es una fuerza poderosa que nos motiva a tomar medidas para el bienestar de los demás y de nuestro país". En palabras famosas de King: "El arco del universo moral es largo, pero se inclina hacia la justicia. Gabbard busca doblar el arco de la historia lejos de la guerra hacia la paz.

Tulsi Gabbard Martin Luther King feature

Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the peace messenger in the Democratic primary, was not even born when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his prophetic anti-war address at Riverside Church in New York, April 4, 1967. I remember sitting in one of the pews as King dramatized the domestic and human costs of war. That speech alone transformed

Manifiestos de odio: lo que los terroristas blancos tienen en común

Crusius, Tarrant y muchos de estos terroristas blancos están conectados a través de un vínculo profundo que excede el supuesto reclamo de enfermedad mental en algo verdaderamente siniestro.

New Zealand Brenton Tarrant

Writing under the title of “If the El Paso shooter had been Muslim”, Moustafa Bayoumi stated the obvious.  “If the El Paso shooter had been a Muslim,” Bayoumi wrote in the British Guardian newspaper on August 6, US President Donald Trump “would be lobbing accusations such as ‘Islam hates us’ in the direction of Muslims and not lecturing the