Archives for abril 2020

En medio de las acusaciones de flexibilizar el poder blando, Cuba continúa ayudando a las naciones más pobres y menos influyentes

A medida que la pandemia de coronavirus empeora en muchos países, Cuba ha respondido a una solicitud urgente de ayuda de Sudáfrica, enviando 217 personal médico al país.

Coronavirus Cuba feature photo

Amidst a worsening COVID-19 pandemic, Cuba has answered an urgent South African request for aid. 217 medical personnel, including family physicians, epidemiologists, health technology engineers and biotech workers touched down Sunday evening, eager to help their African ally. Dr. Reynaldo Denis de Armas, the head of the medical brigade, informed

Los súper ricos de Estados Unidos ven aumentar su riqueza en $ 282 mil millones en tres semanas de pandemia

Los multimillonarios de Estados Unidos han acumulado más riqueza en las últimas tres semanas de lo que hicieron en total antes de 1980.

Bill Gates Coronavirus Feature photo

A new report from the Institute for Policy Studies found that, while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, America’s ultra-wealthy elite have seen their net worth surge by $282 billion in just 23 days. This is despite the fact that the economy is expected to contract by 40 percent this quarter. The

Cómo Israel legitima el abuso de los presos políticos palestinos

Combinar el activismo político y la resistencia con el terrorismo ha sido durante mucho tiempo una herramienta efectiva para demonizar una lucha por la liberación.

Israel Political Prisoners Feature photo

Each year Palestinian Prisoners Day comes and goes while the prisoners remain in their cells and their conditions worsen. The destructive effects that Israel’s imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians has on society cannot be overstated. Israel justifies its treatment of these prisoners with false claims that the Palestinian men, women, and

La verdad sobre la respuesta COVID-19 de China

La rápida detección y transparencia de China en la notificación del brote de COVID-19 fue una muestra impresionante de efectividad médica, científica y administrativa.

China Coronavirus Feature photo

While the U.S. took two-and-a-half years to identify HIV/AIDS after the discovery of the first symptomatic case in the country, China discovered, identified and contained COVID-19 within a few months. In the U.S., over half a million people have died of HIV/AIDS; worldwide that same number die every year.  Even now, in the U.S., 13,000 die each

Trump y Biden Trade Hit Pieces: distinciones sin diferencia

El barco de estado imperial de Estados Unidos está en curso de colisión con China y están a bordo tanto demócratas como republicanos.

Trump Biden China Feature Photo

This season’s sequel to the "Game of Thrones" features reality TV star and the current occupant of the Oval Office versus the former Senator from MBNA and two-term VP. It’s time to binge-watch dueling hit pieces from the U.S electoral duopoly going at it. The narrower the distinctions between Democrats and Republicans, the more vociferous they

¿Un nuevo orden global? Cómo el coronavirus cambiará el mundo para siempre

El mundo posterior al coronavirus se verá fundamentalmente diferente de todo lo que hemos visto o experimentado, al menos desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Coronavirus globalization

The prophecies are here and it is a foregone conclusion: the post-coronavirus world will look fundamentally different from anything that we have seen or experienced, at least since the end of World War II. Even before the ‘curve flattened’ in many countries that have experienced high death tolls - let alone economic devastation - as a result of