Archives for junio 2020

Los demócratas se están moviendo hacia la derecha nuevamente y hacia otra derrota

"Podemos estar en desacuerdo al margen, pero la verdad del asunto es que todo está dentro de nuestra timonera y nadie tiene que ser castigado. Nadie cambiará el nivel de vida, nada cambiará fundamentalmente". – Joe Biden

Joe Biden Feature photo

New York City (BAR) — Besides not being Trump, the Democrats offer nothing but think they can win with a candidate who has no constituency, charisma, or any platform positions that would attract more voters. This presidential election season bears a striking resemblance to that of 2016. We were assured by pundits, pollsters, Democratic

El movimiento de ganancias subyace al impulso de Trump para colocar el gasto de ayuda extranjera bajo el control de la Casa Blanca

El gobierno de Trump está tratando de trasladar miles de millones de dólares destinados a ayuda humanitaria directamente al Departamento de Estado, evitando parcialmente a USAID y otorgando a la Casa Blanca un control discrecional casi total sobre cómo y a quién se asignan esos fondos en todo el mundo.

Trump WHO Feature photo

The United States has long used foreign aid packages as the carrot in its approach to diplomacy and as a way to grease the wheels in the governments of other countries which might have something that beckons U.S. interests. For decades. though, the task of disbursing said assistance has fallen to USAID, the U.S. Agency for International

Habiendo aspirado a America Dry, los gigantes tecnológicos buscan nuevos mercados más allá del alcance de las leyes antimonopolio de EE. UU.

Un impulso agresivo para consolidarse en todas las empresas del sector, junto con la dependencia cada vez mayor del mundo de las plataformas y herramientas digitales, está conduciendo rápidamente a una crisis de soberanía.

Zuckerberg Modi

The American consumer market for big tech gadgets appears to have reached the point of saturation as the novelty of mobile devices and laptops plateau and the persistent lockdown sees savings dwindle and discretionary spending disappear. Apple, which has enjoyed reigning over the smartphone market for more than a decade, has been forced to drop its

Estudio: COVID-19 exacerbando la desigualdad masiva de la riqueza de Estados Unidos y la división racial

Los afroamericanos mueren casi tres veces más que los blancos, y los latinos y los nativos americanos también mueren en niveles elevados para el resto de la población.

COVID-19 Feature photo

The United States continues to lift emergency COVID-19 restrictions, even as infection rates continue to climb in many states. June 18 and 19 saw over 33,000 new cases each, among the highest daily totals since the pandemic began. Economically, the pressure for tens of millions has not been lifted at all and new data from the Institute for Policy

Reparaciones y el derecho palestino de retorno: dos caras de la misma moneda sangrienta

Tanto en Israel como en EE. UU., Las conversaciones sobre reparaciones y el derecho palestino de retorno se ven sofocadas por argumentos que explican por qué la injusticia debe continuar y un anhelo por el status quo.

reparations Feature photo

The calls “Black Lives Matter” and “Free, Free Palestine,” serve to remind us that Palestine is not free and that if the lives of Black people mattered, there would be no need for the call. In both cases, people are in the grips of a cruel, racist system that refuses to let go. In both cases, people are being hunted down, caged, strangled, and shot

El policía de Nueva York atrapó al hombre asfixiante ante la cámara tiene una larga historia de ataques contra personas negras

Afanador tiene una larga historia de violencia y brutalidad hacia aquellos a quienes se le encarga proteger y servir, especialmente a los afroamericanos.

David Afanador Feature photo

Barely a week after the state made the practice a criminal offense, New York Police Department officer David Afanador was caught on camera yesterday choking a black man unconscious. Video of the incident in Queens shows Afanador and other officers apprehending 35-year-old Ricky Bellevue as his companions plead for his safety: “Stop choking him bro…