Archives for junio 2023

No importa cómo lo enmarques, la ADL es una organización racista

Miko Peled explora la controversia que rodea el controvertido plan de la administración Biden de usar la ADL para silenciar las voces palestinas bajo el pretexto de combatir el antisemitismo.

ADL is a Racist Organization Feature photo

The Biden administration has released the country's first national strategy for combating antisemitism, a landmark plan aimed at addressing a growing problem." This is from a piece in NPR titled, "The first national strategy for fighting antisemitism is finally here. What's in it?" Spoiler alert: it is not about fighting antisemitism or any other

Cómo los especialistas en propaganda del gobierno de EE. UU. y el Reino Unido colaboraron con los nazis en Ucrania

El papel destacado de los banderitas neonazis en las operaciones de propaganda del gobierno de Ucrania sugiere que el apología nazi se ha extendido a las instituciones centrales de su gobierno, quizás más de lo que la visión occidental dominante puede admitir.

AM How US and UK Government Propaganda Specialists Collaborated with Nazis in Ukraine Feature photo

A MintPress investigation has found that a host of Western government officials, intelligence agents and assets have been directly involved in intimate collaboration with Nazi groups and individuals since at least 2014. This has included involvement in creating and operating the Nazi-run kill list in Ukraine, which MintPress revealed

Chris Hedges: La inminente extradición de Julian Assange y la muerte del periodismo

Las opciones legales de Julian Assange casi se han agotado. Podría ser extraditado a Estados Unidos esta semana. Si es condenado en los EE. UU., cualquier informe sobre el funcionamiento interno del poder se convertirá en un delito.

The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism Feature photo

Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — High Court Judge Jonathan Swift — who previously worked for a variety of British government agencies as a barrister and said his favorite clients are “security and intelligence agencies” — rejected two applications by Julian Assange’s lawyers to appeal his extradition last week. The extradition order was signed last

Testigos falsos y complots siniestros: exponer la conexión de la CIA en la narrativa de la 'comisaría de policía china'

Kit Klarenberg revela cuánto de la histeria que rodea a las 'comisarías chinas' en Occidente está siendo alimentada por una organización financiada por Estados Unidos y vinculada a la CIA llamada Safeguard Defenders.

Chinese Police Stations Feature photo

For months, mainstream media across the Western world – in particular English-language outlets based in the constituent members of the ‘Five Eyes’ global spying network – have been rabidly awash with terrifying news of secret “Chinese police stations” operating the world over. It is claimed these “stations” are unofficial, covert Chinese

Apartheid permanente en Palestina: por qué Israel quiere reactivar el plan E1

El precio de los principales planes de Israel en Jerusalén Este y el resto de Cisjordania no es solo humanitario. Es esencialmente político, destinado a aislar a las comunidades palestinas entre sí, aislar completamente a Jerusalén y garantizar una mayoría demográfica judía para las generaciones venideras.

Israel e1 plan Feature photo

The Israeli government is at it again, actively discussing the construction of thousands of illegal settlement units as part of a massive settlement expansion scheme known as E1. Though Israeli construction in the East Jerusalem area has supposedly been halted under international pressure, the Israeli government has found ways to keep the plan

Cumbre de Viena: Activistas contra la guerra de 32 países piden diplomacia para poner fin a la guerra en Ucrania

Más de 300 activistas de 32 países se reunieron en Viena, Austria, para exigir el fin de la guerra en Ucrania y emitir una poderosa declaración de paz.

Russia Ukraine war

During the weekend of June 10-11 in Vienna, Austria, over 300 people representing peace organizations from 32 countries came together for the first time since the Russian invasion of Ukraine to demand an end to the fighting. In a formal conference declaration, participants declared, “We are a broad and politically diverse coalition that represents