Archives for julio 2023

Quién realmente hizo estallar Nord Stream II, con Bryce Greene

Únase a nosotros en "MintCast" para una entrevista reveladora con el renombrado escritor, periodista y activista Bryce Greene mientras arroja luz sobre el misterioso ataque al oleoducto Nord Stream II y revela quién cree que es el responsable.

MintCast Bryce Greene

Somebody blew up the Nord Stream II pipeline – that much is certain. Yet, since September last year, when the incident occurred, no one has come forward to take responsibility, and the attack has become the subject of intense international debate. On the one hand, the United States and its allies have maintained that it was likely a stunt by

La controvertida alianza entre Estados Unidos y Arabia Saudita: la locura de Friedman y el dilema de Netanyahu

Miko Peled desentraña el análisis erróneo de Thomas Friedman sobre la alianza estratégica entre Estados Unidos, Arabia Saudita e Israel, la política de Oriente Medio, la cuestión palestina y el futuro del gobierno de Netanyahu.

The Israeli press is abuzz following a “New York Times” piece by Thomas Friedman in which he discusses U.S. President Joe Biden's attempt at forging a strategic U.S.-Saudi alliance, including a crucial normalization clause with Israel. Recently, President Biden granted an interview to Friedman, during which this strategic alliance was a topic of

Miko Peled: Israel nunca fue una democracia cohesionada y su desintegración era inevitable

Miko Peled sobre cómo las tensiones raciales de larga duración, las divisiones sociales y la opresión sistémica de los palestinos han culminado en la crisis actual en Israel.

Israel disintegration Feature photo

Israel is a nation grappling with deep internal divisions, and unfortunately, it is the Palestinian people who are paying the heavy price. Recently, a group of Israeli reservists known as "Brothers In Arms" made headlines by refusing to fulfill their reserve duty in protest of the newly passed "Judicial Reform." Their stated concern was for the

Nuevos archivos revelan el aterrador alcance de MKULTRA: armas biológicas étnicas, control mental y experimentos perturbadores

Kit Klarenberg profundiza en la red de manipulación, engaño y armamento de la psiquiatría exigida a los estadounidenses disidentes, especialmente a los de color, por parte de la CIA bajo el pretexto de la investigación médica.

MKUltra Feature photo

In a groundbreaking investigation, renowned anthropologist Orisanmi Burton has blown the lid off a dark chapter in CIA history. Classified Agency files, recently obtained through Freedom of Information laws, expose shocking ties between the infamous MKULTRA program and nightmarish experiments on prisoners of color within the United

La desesperación de Biden y el costo humano de las municiones en racimo en Ucrania, con Medea Benjamin

Recién llegada de un viaje reciente a Ucrania, la veterana activista contra la guerra Medea Benjamin habla sobre la controvertida medida de la administración Biden de enviar municiones en racimo al país y más en esta reveladora entrevista con Alan Macleod.

MintCast Medea Benjamin Feature photo

As the war in Ukraine continues to take lives, many people worldwide question its legitimacy and demand an end to the violence. Yet even as calls to cease the conflict grow, the Biden administration has announced that it will up the ante by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine – a weapon banned by more than 100 countries worldwide. Today’s

From Oslo to Unity: Reimagining Palestine Solidarity for the Future

A new generation of Palestinians is rising up: how can we help them achieve their goals?

Palestinian solidarity Feature photo

It is a new era in Palestine. This new era is taking shape before our very eyes, through the blood, tears and sacrifices of a brave generation that is fighting on two fronts - against the Israeli military occupation, on the one hand, and collaborating Palestinians masquerading as a ‘leadership,’ on the other. But how do we, in Palestine