Archives for noviembre 2019

El Presidente Run de Michael Bloomberg plantea preguntas sobre la democracia y una prensa libre

La oferta presidencial del New Yorker resalta las contradicciones entre la riqueza extrema y un panorama mediático basado en anunciantes corporativos con fines de lucro y la democracia y la libertad de expresión.

Michael Bloomberg Feature Photo

After months of speculation, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg formally announced a high-profile, big-money campaign to become the Democratic Presidential nominee on November 24. The 77-year-old former Republican has decided that he is the perfect candidate to prevent the president from achieving a second term. Bloomberg has a long

La larga historia del New York Times que respalda golpes de estado respaldados por Estados Unidos

El Consejo Editorial del New York Times, al parecer, rara vez se encuentra con un golpe respaldado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos que no aprueba.

New York Times Feature photo

Bolivian President Evo Morales was overthrown in a U.S.-backed military coup d’état earlier this month after Bolivian army generals appeared on television demanding his resignation. As Morales fled to Mexico, the army appointed right-wing Senator Jeanine Añez as his successor. Añez, a Christian conservative who has described Bolivia’s indigenous

El próximo movimiento de Israel: el peligro real en la decisión de Estados Unidos de normalizar los asentamientos judíos ilegales

La política exterior de Estados Unidos con respecto a la ocupación israelí se ha convertido en un simple sello de goma, que permite al gobierno de extrema derecha de Israel determinar por sí solo el destino del pueblo palestino.

Israel Settlements Feature photo

It is hardly shocking that the United States government has finally decreed that illegal Jewish settlements which have been built in defiance of international law, are, somehow, “consistent” with international law.  U.S. foreign policy has been edging closer towards this conclusion for some time. Since his advent to the White House in January

Israel conmemora el asesinato de Rabin con otra masacre en Gaza

Inmediatamente después de conmemorar el asesinato del ícono israelí Yitzhak Rabin, Israel lanzó una serie de ataques y asesinatos contra palestinos.

Israel Gaza Feature photo

Jerusalem, Palestine -- My short visit to Palestine in early November began around the time of the commemoration of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, went through the assassination by Israel of Islamic Jihad leader, Bahaa Abu Al-Atta and his wife in Gaza, and ended as Prime Minister Netanyahu, who should be indicted for his countless crimes against

Amnistía Internacional señala la línea del gobierno de Estados Unidos para instar a los disturbios en Irán

El gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha intentado durante mucho tiempo fomentar los levantamientos populares y secuestrar o manipular las protestas en Irán, ahora grupos de derechos como Amnistía Internacional, parecen estar paroteando la táctica.

Iran Protests Feature photo

The U.S. government has lent its full support to anti-government protesters in Iran. “The United States is with you,'' announced Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Vice President Mike Pence was similarly emphatic. Meanwhile, President Trump offered condemnation of the Iranian government’s

Los demócratas del establecimiento exigen que Trump sea acusado, pero no por crímenes de guerra

Hasta el momento, UkraineGate no ha logrado capturar la imaginación del público precisamente porque no persigue a Trump por sus políticas nacionales e internacionales más atroces e impecables.

Trump Impeachment Feature photo

The Presidential impeachment proceedings rumble on as House Democrats continue their attempt to remove Donald Trump from office. Their case centers around the revelation that the President used his office to lean on a foreign head of state to dig up dirt on a domestic adversary. Trump is widely accused of threatening to withhold financial aid to