Archives for enero 2021

Cómo un golpe de Estado respaldado por Estados Unidos en Serbia inspiró la insurrección de DC

Una investigación de MintPress News revela que la insurrección del 6 de enero en el Capitolio de los EE. UU. Se inspiró en el derrocamiento en 2000 del presidente serbio Slobodan Milošević y un científico serbio de mentalidad conspirativa que hizo llamamientos a la violencia.

Capital Insurrection Serbia Feature photo

As the Capitol insurrection on January 6 descended into a frenzy of mob violence, a far-right paramilitary group known as the Oath Keepers marched through the sea of rioters and protesters, up the east steps of the Capitol building and into the rotunda. Video from that day shows the Oath Keepers marching in a military formation known as "Ranger

Los medios corporativos atacan a los sindicatos de maestros por resistir la reapertura de escuelas en medio del aumento del número de muertos

En lugar de atacar al gobierno por su mal manejo de la crisis de COVID, los medios corporativos han optado por volver a su pasatiempo favorito: atacar a los sindicatos.

Media teachers unions Feature photo

The seven-day average COVID death toll hit an all time high yesterday, with over 3,400 Americans expected to die on any given day. Educator cases are on the rise. Studies have shown that children are as likely to contract and pass the coronavirus on as adults, making schools potential super spreading hotspots. As a result, European nations like the

Amnistía Internacional: Navalny, preso de conciencia. Pero no Manning, Assange o Mandela

Amnistía Internacional tiene una larga y sórdida historia con su designación de preso de conciencia, negándola a los enemigos del gobierno de Estados Unidos y otorgándola a algunos personajes menos que agradables.

Alexei Navalny Feature photo

Russian politician Alexei Navalny remains under arrest in Russia after returning to his homeland earlier this month. The event generated worldwide headlines as the 44-year-old lawyer was immediately detained at a Moscow airport, with Western figures hailing his bravery. "Navalny’s heroic struggle is no different from what Gandhi, King, Mandela and

JFK y la estrategia de paz

Muchos en Occidente no se dan cuenta de cuánto JFK fue una excepción a la norma en lo que respecta a la política exterior de Estados Unidos.

JFK Peace Feature photo

John F Kennedy (JFK) was inaugurated as president of the United States nearly sixty years ago today. In the less than three years before he was assassinated in November of 1963, he managed to initiate major changes in America’s foreign policy. Those changes are documented in books such as “JFK and the Unspeakable” and “Betting on the Africans” and

No se deje engañar: las cifras oficiales de desempleo son una mentira

Sumérjase en las turbias aguas del desempleo para ver las fallas diseñadas de un sistema que deliberadamente contabiliza mal, desagrega y excluye a millones de personas.

Unemployment Feature photo

The official unemployment rate now stands at 6.7%. But that doesn't feel right, does it? Unless you live in a gated community, the reality on the ground feels more dire and more destitute. Behind that cheery 6.7% stand millions of uncounted people – uncounted by design. “'Underemployed' would be the most accurate, but there's not really a good

A raíz de los disturbios: el retroceso de la derrota de Trump fue criminalizar la disidencia

A medida que madura la crisis de legitimidad del Estado neoliberal, se perfeccionan las leyes antiterroristas y el aparato institucional de represión fascista para utilizarlos contra futuras insurgencias.

Capitol Riots Blowback Feature photo

The Capitol building riot of January 6 marked the messiest transition in the recent history of ruling class power from one chief executive of the capitalist world to the next. If that history is any guide, the change of guard neither portends better treatment of working people nor a reduction of the threat of fascism. Trump may have been booted